A cheeky trip down to London is always a good place to start when in need of inspiration!
So when I had the chance to visit New designers I didn't pass up the opportunity. It was fantastic, but so full of talent that it kind of freaked me out a little. I was particularly interested in the print design, textile work and accessories and jewellery. Print and textiles is something that I am interested in working with for my final year however I have always had a love for accessories, in particular jewellery. Seeing so many beautiful pieces allowed me to reconnect with my past interest and possible reconsider the thought of accessory and jewellery design for my final year.
(Unfortunately I am currently blogging from a tiny flat in the center of Dusselorf and I don't have my notes with me of who inspired me most and the magnificent pieces I saw. I will update you all soon)
Liberty's........now I can tell you about my trip to Liberty's. I have a secret confession, I have never actually been there before! However Since being assistant at Spinsters Emporium, and spending hours working on products to be stocked in the Liberty's store I had no choice but to go and take a look.
Below you can see some of the Vintage button cards created by us at Spinsters for Liberty's.
Inspirational products, bits and bobs.
As I was only in London for a few hours I had be quite specific of places I wanted to visit, but one shop I made sure I took a look in was the London Marimekko store.
Marimekko, the Finnish textile and clothing company founded by Armi and Viljo Ratia creates timeless prints for quality clothing and accessories. I just love the Marimekko prints and fabrics, the colours are lush too.