
Hunterian museum

V&A The Power of making

The Conran Shop


Few and Far


Great Northern Contemporary

Ness Donnelly- Embroidered Paper.

Yu- Ping Lin- Silk, body structure.

Armitage Design- Scarves
Sarah Allen- Hand woven textiles.

Maneggi- Folded ribbon necklaces

Tessuti- Scarves

Rachel Eardly- Nice displays

Clare Lane- Digital print and embroidery.

Jodie Edwards- Folded Metal

Bex Stephens- Folded paper

New designers inspiring artisits

So..... i'm back in Nottingham with access to my notebook, and as promised a list of all the designers, makers and curators that I found inspiring and interesting.

Click here........ and go to my page about makers, curators and designers to see some veautiful work from up and coming makers to watch out for.